Under Milk Wood is Dylan Thomas’ unique vision of human experience hammered out of the small Welsh seaside town of Llareggub (Llareggub is “bugger all” spelled backwards). Beautiful, surreal, darkly comic and bawdy it is replete with characters who are romantic, earthy, mad, parochial, wildly comic and easily recognisable to all.
This is a comic masterpiece, the blackest of black comedies, where MacDonagh’s much loved characters, Colman and Valene, two brothers living alone in their father’s house after his recent death, find it impossible to exist without regular violent disputes over mundane matters.
Most people in West Cork live Under Milk Wood, that is, in a small village or town at the bottom of a hill on which there are milk cows. Written in 1954, Under Milk Wood, is Dylan Thomas’ unique vision of human experience hammered out of the small Welsh seaside town of Llareggub.
The date is September 29th 1979, the night prior to the Pope’s visit to Limerick. It is also the night Batty Spender, a local sacristan, tackles his demons. He has seen a lot of things he shouldn’t have seen, heard a lot that he shouldn’t have heard and he needs to tell someone.
The award-winning play Catalpa follows the true story of a band of Fenians and their audacious prison break from the colonial prison in Freemantle, Australia.